Monday, March 2, 2020

HOTW Logo Leaders

Hello, everyone!
Creating a place on the blog for the logo leaders, including myself, to communicate our ideas with one another :-) 
I will get my wee group to have a closer look at the suggestions for the logo on Thursday when I am in work. We will discuss together and then communicate our thoughts on here with the other school logo leaders.  
My wee group came up with this idea a few weeks back which they wanted to share with you all too.
As you can tell they love designing and will be very excited to hear this week that our school is a Logo Leader for this project.
Noticing other suggestions on the blog page have really nice ideas of using hands with images to do with the project, country flags, landmarks, the globe and travelling teddy.
 Looking forward to working closely with the other school Logo Leaders to decide what the final logo will look like, and how we will each contribute to this. 


  1. Great t0 see that the Logo Leaders are ready to get started on this task.

  2. Really like the hand idea as that is what our pupils came up with in the early discussion stages.

  3. That's a wonderful image - I will share with my pupils next week... If I can work around a way to get them access to the blog


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