Wednesday, January 22, 2020

HOTW needs your help to create a HOTW logo.  Can you help?

We need to create a logo that is made by all schools that are involved in the project.  
Each school needs to create an image that will become part of the final logo.
What will the final logo look like with all the images from the school involved (remember there are a lot of schools involved)?
Please note that there can only be one image from each school.
Should there be a theme for the images and what could it be?

How will we do this?

Place your ideas in the comments area of this blog by 31st of January and we can then decide which suggestion would be the one that would solve the problem.


  1. How about the hands like we had before but filled with all individual parts of the project like the postcards, songs and teddy etc?

  2. Thats a great idea! And students can draw or use a web tool to creat it?

  3. My pupils had suggested using a QRcode as part of the logo as they think this is key to how we are sharing .
    Not sure what it would link too though. - Scotland

  4. Colorful handprints. One hand from each school.

  5. My second graders will have a hard time creating a logo...but it gives me the idea of inviting our 5th grade buddies to help us maybe design something on the iPads.

  6. Maybe each participating group can create a logo, then vote on a google form...

    1. This is a good idea, however, I would rather everyone was invovled so that it is not a competition.

  7. We can use to create a logo. It's very easy. I agree with Andrea for the voting

  8. We like the hand from each school idea. We could make it into a 'wreath' around the world? And you could put a QR code on the globe to our Twinspace or blog?

  9. My students also liked the idea of the hand from each school but they also offered to color those hands with national flags.

  10. We like the idea of hand with flags of each country if we can find a way to do that, with a background of a globe, Loreto Grammar School

  11. My pupils suggeste : One or more hands at the base of the image, and musical notes coming out of the hands with the words,
    I sing for the whole world . Kindergarten of Mavrothalassa / Greece .
    Athina Paroussi

  12. we've had several suggestions:
    1. globe with flags of the countries around it.
    2. Hands with a world in the centre with pins on the globe for each country
    3. world with children holding hands around the outside
    4. two hands holding a globe with the name of the schools on the fingers (could be several pairs of hands...)
    5. globe with landmarks around it, then teddy, postcard and music notes around them.
    6. Rocky holds the globe in his hand with music notes coming out of the globe, possibly with a postcard in his back pack
    7. teddy in the middle of the world with pawprints on each country and notes coming around the world

  13. Our pupils suggested to use the image of the world with hands holding it.

  14. What do you think of the idea of making a collage using one suggestion from each school?

  15. I like this idea where we could possibly create a collage that has a specific shape in the background. What do you pupils suggest?

    1. What they would really like is create a collage which would include a hand for each school ,coloured by them and showing it hold a landmark of the area the school is in .
      Then, we can use the collection of collages to make a collective magazine of landmarks adding information about them.What do you think?

  16. Our students suggested - the Globe, two hands, eyes

  17. Hello From the 2nd Primary School Mileon-Kalon Neron. My pupils have decided that they would like a logo with the Globe being hugged by 2 hands and as a background a collage of photos of the schools that participate or the flags of the countries... (I guess this is a combination of many ideas...)

  18. Let's make it the shape of a flag with everyone adding a hand with a landmark and the initials of the project together with the etwinning logo in the middle.


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